Founded more than a century ago, the CLAAS product portfolio includes cutting edge machinery, and state-of-the-art farming information technology.

About the CLAAS Brand

Founded in 1913, by the visionary August Claas, CLASS is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of agricultural engineering equipment and is in its fourth generation of leadership with Cathrina Claas at the helm. The company, with its headquarters in Harsewinkel, Westphalia (Germany), has been represented in New Zealand since 1987, and in Australia since 1997, by our own family-owned Landpower business.

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History of CLAAS

Behind every great story, there are usually some remarkable personalities. In the case of CLAAS, four Claas brothers – August (founder), Franz, Theo and Bernhard – formed the company in 1913 and made straw binders for farmers. Following the development of an improved knotter in 1921, the brothers continued to innovate until the late 1970s. Helmut Claas took over as Chairman of the management board and provided the cornerstone of the company’s growth and success, as first and foremost, a farmer and, secondly, as a mechanical engineer. CLAAS has since lodged more than 3,000 patents for innovation in agricultural engineering and technology.
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Highlights from the Factory

image of farmer on ipad out in the field during harvest
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